Do I need to supply my products in each language supported in Twoosk Marketplace?

Twoosk Marketplace currently supports 5 (five) languages: EN - English (traffic language), PT – Portuguese, ES – Spanish, FR – French and DE- German.

As English is the marketplace traffic language, the product listing must be always created in EN.

Although not mandatory, filling the ‘Translations’ section of the new product listing form is highly recommended since your product will have more chances to be searchable reaching a wider global audience.

Because we know how important this is, whether you are creating one product at a time or creating several products by importing an excel file, we will provide automatic translations from English to the other languages for the descriptive fields of the product listing, such as, name, short description, description, applications, characteristics, construction and what is on the box.

If you are creating a product manually, these fields and its automatic translations will be added automatic to your listing, but you can also check them at the ‘Translations’ section of your product listing by clicking on the button ‘Translate’, that appears next to the respective field. Here you can make any update to the provided translation or provide it yourself.

The product name is a special case, and you can choose from applying the suggested name for each language which is formulated based on the product specifications entered by you, choose to translate the product name you previously entered, or provide the translation yourself.

Please note that automatic translations are only guaranteed the moment the product is being created. If after its creation, changes occur in the mentioned fields, respective translations will need to be manually updated by the seller. To do that, from the product listing, go to ‘Translations’ section and click on the button ‘Translate’ that appears next to the updated field.