What should a good product description contain?

A good description should help customers make informed decisions when looking for a product, by including comprehensive and accurate information of the product. Show your customers you are an expert on the products you sell!

In the new product listing form, you can add and edit the description that will be displayed on the product page.

The product description field is divided into four tabs:

  • Description. Use this tab to generally describe the product. For example, contextualize the product in the market and highlight its advantages and unique features.
  • Application. Use this tab to list the product applications in the industry.
  • Characteristics. Use this tab to list the main technical features of the product.
  • Construction. Use this tab to list details features about the product construction.
  • What's In The Box?

Although not mandatory, completing this information is highly recommended. Not just because you are increasing the chances of a buyer to choose your offer, but also because your product will attract more traffic from search engines such as Google.

Tips on what to include or avoid in a good offer:

  • Include only information related to the product described
  • Do not include advertisement content or content that suggests the possibility of buying outside of Twoosk Marketplace
  • Links to external websites may only be included as a complementary source of information about the product such as a product presentation video. Do not include links to other commercial websites.
  • Think about what your customer questions/doubts about the product could be.
  • Provide clear and accurate information to avoid misunderstandings and dissatisfaction.
  • Update your offer whenever you feel it is needed, for example, based on customer feedback and behavior.
  • Provide specific information about the offer in the correct tab on the offer page (Description, Application, Characteristics and Construction). This will allow the buyer to easily find the right information.
  • Provide consistent information throughout the whole product information page. The description is just one part of the product information page and should be coherent with the other parts (images, category, name, etc)
  • Avoid using graphic/image content with text on the description field as these will not be considered by search engines.