How to become a seller on Twoosk Marketplace?

You can find information about Twoosk Marketplace seller shop model by visiting the Sell on Twoosk page on the footer of our website or by clicking at the icon 'Sell' in the top left corner of the homepage, right beside the Twoosk logo.

Once  you decide to get onboard with the Subscription seller shop model, you will need to register a seller account. The Subscription model is a annual fee based plan in which encompasses the Starter Plan for new sellers. 

  1. Create a seller account by entering your user and company details.
  2. Seller account registration. An email will be sent to confirm that we have received your registration.
  3. Account set up and approved by Twoosk.
  4. Account successfully set up. An email will be sent once we have verified and unlocked your account.
  5. Sign in and get started with your Account. You can now manage your account data, invite other users from your company, add products, and start selling.
  6. At last but not least, you'll need to configure your payment method on Stripe platform by folowing the steps below:
    1. Sign in to your account at Twoosk 

    2. Go to your account

    3. Navigate to the Marketplace menu, on the left side > Select “Subscription”

    4. Click “Add Payment Method”

    5. Complete the requested details and subscribe.

    Once your payment is accepted, we will send you an email with important links that will help and guide you through the proccess of start selling online at Twoosk Marketplace. Even if you are eligible for the 15 days free trial, you still need to set up your payment method on Stripe to follow up with your seller account registration.


    If you need any additional information, you can request to be contacted through one of the options available on each page or you can email us at

Please note: Twoosk will contact you if, for any reason, we were unable to verify the business details you provided in your registration.