How to find a product?

There are two different ways to find products on Twoosk Marketplace:

  • By searching using the search bar.
  • By using filters.

Search bar

To search for a product using the search bar, please follow these steps:

1. Find the search bar at the top of every page.

2. Write words related to the product you wish to find, such as name, part number, or brand.


To search for a product using filters, please follow these steps:

1. Select the category and subcategory of the product you wish to find in the drop-down menu under the search bar.

2. On the left side of the page, you will find the filtering options according to the subcategory you chose. Filters only require selection.

3. Click on the parameters that interest you. Each selected filter will trigger a new search in the product catalog. You will only see offers and products that meet your requirements.