How to list a product?

Listing one product at a time

Sign into your account. From your account page:

1. Navigate to Marketplace menu on the left side and select > Products

2. Select ‘+ New Product’ button in the right top corner

3. Complete the new product listing. Start by the a) General Information section, then go to b) Pricing & Inventory Section, and finally to c) Translations section.


Check the offer preview. After saving your product listing you can see how your offer will look like by clicking on the ‘Preview’ button on the top of the listing form. If you want to correct something just return to the listing form and edit.


Please find below an explanatory overview of the data requested for each section:

a) General Information



Select the Category and the Subcategory of the product from each available drop-down menu.

About selecting the right category

Product Specifications

A list of specifications will automatically open based on the subcategory selected. Please select the respective value for each specification.

Although not mandatory, the selection of these values is highly recommended since your product will have more chances to be seen and found on the Marketplace.

Product Details

Select the brand of the product from the drop-down menu. If the brand you want to select is not yet part of our database, please select ‘New Brand’ next to it and create the brand you need.

Here you can also enter other details such as Part number, Manufacturer´s Reference, EAN code and HS code.

Product Name

Enter the product name. This field will be the main title of your offer, so make sure to enter a clear and effective title.

Whenever possible, you will see a name suggestion appear below the ‘Product name’ field. You may choose to apply it by clicking on the ‘Apply’ button next to the suggested product name, or you may enter the name you would like the product to have.

The name suggested follows our standard pattern, allowing better system efficiency when suggesting similar products to customers or when providing variations of the product.

Weight & Dimensions

Select the unit in which the product is measured and its respective weight.

The selected measure unit is adopted by the system and is linked to other parameters such as weight and price.

Example 1: The list product is a patch cord. In this case, you must choose the option ‘Unit’, regardless of whether you later choose to check the option ‘Sold in a Pack’ in the Pricing & Inventory section.

Example 2: The list product is a reel. In this case, you must choose the option ‘m’. The product is weighted in meters but will be sold by reel, which will be set in the Pricing & Inventory section.

Technical documents, Product Photos and Product Video

Add up to 5 relevant technical documents in PDF format, such as a datasheet, and up to 5 images of the product in JPEG or PNG, by uploading them to the product listing.

You can add several files at a time to the listing, provided that you stay within the established limit. To do that find the files using the search window, select them, and click Open. 

Use drag and drop to set the order of product images

The video URL tab supports Vimeo and YouTube videos. Please make sure that the video content does not include links to other ecommerce websites.

Check Imagery requirements and recommendations


Add the description of the product. Learn more about creating a description by checking 'What should a good product description contain?'

b) Pricing & Inventory


In this section you must define the sales offer.


Select the product condition from the drop-down menu.


According to the condition previously selected, you will need to select a Guarantee type and a Guarantee duration (in months).


Enter the selling price per product unit. Prices must be set according to product unit selected previously. This will be the price (per unit) displayed to customers on the product page.


You must link the product you are creating to a warehouse and define your sales offer.

  1. Click on ‘Add Warehouse’ tab.

  2. Select the pickup address by choosing the warehouse. If the pickup address you want to select is not yet part of your warehouses list, you will need to create one by clicking on ‘New Warehouse’.

  3. Enter the total number of product units available. Stock must be set according to product unit selected previously.

  4. Select the VAT rate applied in the country where the product is being shipped from.

Sold in a Pack?

If your product is sold in a pack, you will need to click on the ‘Sold in a Pack’ button and then set the quantity per pack as well as the pack unit.

Order Restriction

If applicable, use this area to set a minimum (MOQ) or maximum order quantity.

On Sale

Use this area to set a promotion for your product. To do that you will need to:

  1. Activate the ‘On Sale’ button at the right side

  2. Setup the promotion price per unit and the promotion period.

Pay less with quantities

Use this area to enter price ranges according to the quantity purchased by the customer.

c) Translations


Whenever possible, please provide translations for your product name and description.

'Do I need to supply my products in each language supported in Twoosk Marketplace?'


Notice that for your product to be verified you need to create it and publish it first.